Under Community Review

Searching within a TM outside the Editor is very slow in average-size TM

Dear SDL Colleagues,

I created this post a while ago from my Worldbank colleague, Osama's laptop, as we were sitting at my place and discussing this issue of slow search in our World Bank TM. The image attached is self-explanatory. I hope you can find a solution to make researching the Translation Memory outside the concordance and editor faster. Please note that this is the smallest TM we have in our Worldbank projects, so indeed finding a workaround for this would be appreciated to expedite getting results from researching the TM outside the Editor.


Sameh Ragab

All the best and please stay safe.

Sameh RagabScreenshot of Trados Studio Ideas software showing a Translation Memory search with a complaint about slow search speed in the World Bank TM.

  • With all due respect Daniel, no one should use the System C drive to put his TM resources! I fully disagree. H is not a shared Drive, but rather a normal very fast SSD M2 drive that I use for my TM resources!!! Cloud-based TMs? Do you really think that would be a fast solution? I am afraid, I have to fully disagree on this one, so the solution to me is for SDL to try and solve this issue because we as users have reported this for years now.

    I wish you a blessed day and please stay safe.


  • The location indicates a shared network drive? (H:\)? It is recommended to have especially larger TMs locally on C:\ in a shared folder such as OneDrive so that it can be synced as required. Another option is to use cloud-based TMs in Trados Live or server-based TMs in GroupShare.

  • I have recorded a quick video for SDL engineers to be able to see what I am talking about. Here is a link to the video in Wetransfer as well. https://we.tl/t-83m2KzMVtW