Planned for Future Release

This is LTE-39 and tentatively slated for a future release.

Segment locking in Track Changes modus

In former editions of Studio it was possible to lock segments when working in Track Changes mode. Since Studio 2015 SR1 (I think) this is not possible anymore. Not only the lock function is not working in Track Changes (you have to switch to lock a segment), it is not working also if Track Changes is not activated and you want to lock a segment with tracked changes in it.

We need this function for all the texts we get from our clients which are already partially translated and we need to review, in addition to translate the non translated parts. For reviewing an already translated segment, we copy the source in the target and apply our changes in Track Changes mode, so that the client can see the changes we've made. We want then to lock these segments to prevent them to be accidentally saved in our TM (where in this case we would have the same language for source and target, which is not good for a healthy TM).

Thank you and best regards
