Planned for Future Release

This is LTP-2592 now and accepted for a future release.

Separate "Delete Translation Memory" context menu item from "Remove From List" item

As originally reported in

For server-based TMs, the "Delete Translation Memory" context menu item is right underneath the "Remove From List" item, which makes way too easy to misclick and delete the entire server TM :(.

It happened several times already and especially in combination with GroupShare Cloud where one has absolutely no control over backups (and eventual restore takes ages via support, with uncertain results) it's extremely annoying.

According to UX rules, there should clearly be at least a horizontal separator between those two items. And perhaps the "Delete TM" item should be even moved to completely different place in the menu.

Screenshot showing Trados Studio Ideas context menu with 'Remove From List' directly above 'Delete Translation Memory' without a separator.

(Yes, there is this "Do you really want to..." dialog, but hey, who does REALLY read it? Noobs don't because they are scared of any such message and instinctively just click OK... and veterans don't because "it's yet another of those 'Do you really want to...' questions" and YES, they really do want to, of course... ;-) )