Idea Delivered Partially

Thanks -  we have enhanced this area fairly recently, with Trados Studio 2021 SR1 CU7 (July 2021). For any file that is bigger than 20 MB by default, Studio will now always include the dependency file automatically in the package so that it will travel with the package to translators and reviewers. So this error message should no longer appear for users who are on CU7 or later in the Studio supply chain, even for such large files. Can you confirm this? Happy to get feedback on this and setting "Idea Delivered Partially" for now. 

Show a warning, if the source file is bigger than 20 MB

Files bigger than 20 MB will not be embedded in the sdlxliff and can cause "Dependence not found" errors even on your own computer. This error will mandatory appear, if such files are included in a project package, as the path to the source file is not existent on the target PC.

Trados Studio should warn the user to adapt the maximum size of embedded file in the sdlxliff file type to avoid this error.

  • As stated in other posts, it is absurd for the dependency file to be in a temporary folder. This should be weeded out in favour of the source file in the directory from which the SDLXLIFF file is generated.This amendment should feature in a forthcoming patch or service release. In the case in point, the source file sizes are increasing, and this should be reflected in congruent file-size limits.

  • Agreed thanks Adam - and this is exactly what we did in Studio 2021 SR1 CU7 from what I understand. We refactored dependency files as part of that release and so I believe this is now solved - but happy to get more feedback.

  • Hm, that doesn't seem to apply to WS packages. I'm on Trados Studio 2021 SR2 - and I still get those errors on every 2nd WS project or so.

    I used to edit the xliff header (paste in the files stuff from the xliff in the packages/in folder) but automated that since. When my little tool vanished recently due to  HDD failure I wondered why there isn't a proper builtin recovery wizard for that kind of stuff.

  • Hm, that doesn't seem to apply to WS packages. I'm on Trados Studio 2021 SR2 - and I still get those errors on every 2nd WS project or so.

    I used to edit the xliff header (paste in the files stuff from the xliff in the packages/in folder) but automated that since. When my little tool vanished recently due to  HDD failure I wondered why there isn't a proper builtin recovery wizard for that kind of stuff.

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