Under Community Review

Show number of replacements performed

After performing a Find&Replace operation with "Replace All", I'd love to see a pop-up box with information on how many replacements were made.

MS Word does this, and it would be very helpful to have this info in Studio too.

Microsoft Word information pop-up showing 'All done. We made 15 replacements.' with an OK button.

I mentioned this idea 4 years ago on another SDL community forum and it was logged as Enhancement report LTE-296. Unfortunately, the enhancement hasn't been implemented, so I'm adding it as an idea here.

  • Furthermore I would suggest that the Search&Replace brings the user back to the segment where he/she started the operation (ie. the cursor is NOT left in the segment where the last replacement has been made, as it is now).

    Brownie points for listing the segments with replacements in the Messages tab (if the user specifies this in the search/replace dialog)

  • Furthermore I would suggest that the Search&Replace brings the user back to the segment where he/she started the operation (ie. the cursor is NOT left in the segment where the last replacement has been made, as it is now).

    Brownie points for listing the segments with replacements in the Messages tab (if the user specifies this in the search/replace dialog)

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