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Spellcheck and Grammar API for Plug-ins


it would be nice if devs would finally offer a spellcheck and grammar API for Trados Studio so that users could get plug-ins from professional spellcheck and grammar developpers that allow on the fly error highlighting for such crucial checkings while translating (avoiding propagation of such errors) instead of having to use F8 and error message window at the end of the translation.

Furthermore it would help integrate way better spellcheckers than MS Word or Hunspell, which for quite some languages are just useless as they generate way too many false positives as they are either outdated or the creators of the available files do not diffentiate between slang and official language as they just implement officially available dictionary files without checking and cleaning their content. This leads to many errors in translated texts due to wrong words (slang) being used over official terms (written language).

Best regards,


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