Under Community Review

Spellchecker options: Automatically switching custom dictionaries when switching user profiles


It would be great to be able to modify user profiles so that custom dictionaries also change depending on the user profile chosen.

Currently, we have separate user profiles mainly for users who translate into English and those who translate into German. Some of the users that translate into German occasionally also help with translations into English. When they switch profiles, we would like the custom dictionary files to also switch automatically, so that SpellChecking activities are performed using the English custom dictionary when that user profile is used.

Currently users have to manually switch custom dictionaries when switching user profiles under File > Options > Editor > Spelling.

Apparently in Passolo, users can create a directory structure for their custom dictionaries and configure the passolo project to use them. See https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/passolo/f/passolo-general/30270/spellchecker---custom-dictionary-handling. Can something similar be done in Studio to switch custom dictionaries when switching user profiles and if so, how?

Alternatively, could the Hunspell config.xml files be modified to switch the custom dictionaries when switching user profiles?
See http://multifarious.filkin.com/2018/06/11/too-many-language-variants/#:~:text=variants%20you%20use.-,Spellchecking,-The%20last%20thing

What might even be better is having the custom dictionaries integrated into Groupshare as a resource for the whole team to use.

Thanks for considering this enhancement.

Kind regards,
