Under Community Review

stop setting focus of launching trados to top window


This is something devs should be able to set easily as from what I know it should only be a switch from ON to OFF in laucher settings (at least for Windows). Although my PC is very performant it still takes some time for Trados to launch.

I use this time to do other jobs like answering mails aso. and it is VERY annoying that the green loading/launching screen grabs focus twice and then the window of started Trados grabs focus at the end and set themselves as top window. Why did you even ever introduce that? Normally that's behaviour of spaming tools that want to get as much attention as possible but why for Trados? I mean as a translator it's my main tool to work with and if I start it I know it will pop up so no need to spam people like: Hey, here I am, use me now! Didn't you get it the first time!!!

It would be more then enough, if it would simply blink in task bar when it's fully loaded so that at least I wouldn't type so many words into a void or have to switch back to another tool just because focus was grabbed from another program's window.


