Under Community Review

String-of-Characters Concordance Search

Please, enable simple concordance search based on character strings (just as it is possible while searching in TM view) so that parts of words are found disregarding of the percentage they represent within another word.

It would be very helpful for languages having complex and long compounds.


Thank you!

Linda Kaprová

  • Hi  have you tried creating TMs with character-based concordance searching enabled? It is an option when creating a TM (cannot be changed for existing TMs, so you'd need to export/import to give it a try). Also be aware that this increases the file size of the TM by design (more data stored). Another more recent option is upLIFT fragment matching, where you typically don't need to perform a concordance search manually, since Studio is doing this for you (including trying to identify the corresponding target fragment). So there might be some options you can try. Thanks, Daniel