Under Community Review

Not sure if this belongs here - it is a very good idea but might be better to ask the support team what the options are in terms of our KB technology.  would you have any input? Thanks, Daniel

Subscribe to Community Knowledge Base to get notified about new issues

In our tests of new SDL releases, so far, we only found out about new bugs when they cause issues during our tests. If we were automatically notified whenever SDL publishes the info on a new bug and maybe even provides a temporary workaround until a fix is provided, we could test more specifically in areas that we think might be affected by this or that bug. So far, we couldn't find a way to get notified. We would therefore like to get the possibility to subscribe the Community Knowledge Base to get notified about new bugs when you post them.

Here are some examples of pages, that I'm talking about:



In the subscription settings, it should be possible to select the SDL product we want to subscribe to (Studio, Passolo, MultiTerm, Groupshare etc.), so that we don't get updates on SDL products we don't use, and also select the version of the product, so we don't get a bug info for software versions that we no longer use unless we want to still be notified about those.

Please note that this post affects all SDL products (hence the tags for those we use), but I didn't want to spam every ideas page with this post.

  • Great idea! I'd like to add the request to let the users know when a bug has been fixed. This could perhaps be accomplished in two ways:

    1 - via the support team; currently, when a bug is discovered, support closes the case which often causes the users to simply forget about the issue, especially when a workaround was found. A note from support referring to a case that indicates that as of build XXXX the bug has been fixed;

    2 - via KB, with reference to available workarounds or builds in which the bug was fixed.

  • Great idea! I'd like to add the request to let the users know when a bug has been fixed. This could perhaps be accomplished in two ways:

    1 - via the support team; currently, when a bug is discovered, support closes the case which often causes the users to simply forget about the issue, especially when a workaround was found. A note from support referring to a case that indicates that as of build XXXX the bug has been fixed;

    2 - via KB, with reference to available workarounds or builds in which the bug was fixed.

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