Idea Delivered

Delivered with Studio 2022 and Studio 2021 SR2.

Support for emoji in Trados Studio

We're seeing quite a lot of use of emoji recently, especially in the gaming sectors.  But Studio strips them out in the source so they can't be translated at all.  It would be useful to have support for this.  Also relates to this article:

  • Thanks for starting this thread.

    Struggling with those emoji's and unicode stuff mainly in excel. Copy and Paste is a pain and my workaround using an Elgato Streamdeck with predefined Hotkeys helps a bit, but still consumes to much time - aside of the possibility to forget something. Hopefully there will be an update for Studio soon solving this issue.

    Kind regards, stay healthy

    Oswald Schneider

  • Thanks for starting this thread.

    Struggling with those emoji's and unicode stuff mainly in excel. Copy and Paste is a pain and my workaround using an Elgato Streamdeck with predefined Hotkeys helps a bit, but still consumes to much time - aside of the possibility to forget something. Hopefully there will be an update for Studio soon solving this issue.

    Kind regards, stay healthy

    Oswald Schneider

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