Under Community Review

Term Recognition: Make the tooltip break lines!


I would have hundreds of wishes to make term recoginition more comfortable, but I will put my ideas one by one, hoping that these -  in my opinion easy ones - will be implemented at least.

When you add a longer definition to you term, the text goes through the whole display in one line.

Could you at least make the tool tip break lines, so the translator can easily read the content? Please see the screenshot.

Screenshot of Trados Studio Ideas interface showing a long definition text in a term recognition tooltip extending across the entire screen without line breaks.

Best regards

  • My first version of Studio was that of 2015. I am a heavy user of MultiTerm. And I have terribly been missing such a simple function as "line break" in the Studio Term Recognition window ever since!! I would say that in a software that claims to be the number one on the market, such a basic function that does exist in other Studio windows such as segments, Fragment Matches, Condorance Search, Translation Results, should be self-evident, shouldn’t it?But this claim voice by Burim Bektesi is 3 years old and nothing has changed so far...

    So Term recognition is partly useless. Whenever I need to read a term’s definition to make up my mind, I have to open MultiTerm look for the term that Term Recognition has already visualised to be able to choose the correct word or expression. That’s sort of tiring.

  • My first version of Studio was that of 2015. I am a heavy user of MultiTerm. And I have terribly been missing such a simple function as "line break" in the Studio Term Recognition window ever since!! I would say that in a software that claims to be the number one on the market, such a basic function that does exist in other Studio windows such as segments, Fragment Matches, Condorance Search, Translation Results, should be self-evident, shouldn’t it?But this claim voice by Burim Bektesi is 3 years old and nothing has changed so far...

    So Term recognition is partly useless. Whenever I need to read a term’s definition to make up my mind, I have to open MultiTerm look for the term that Term Recognition has already visualised to be able to choose the correct word or expression. That’s sort of tiring.

  • Dear Wolfgang,

    You speak from my heart. Term recognition is one of the central elements in the Trados Editor (or it should be), but while everything has developed, term recognition has stuck - not in 2015, as you think - but in 2007 (!), back then in the time of the Tag Editor.

    I would actually have dozens of ideas to make term recognition better. And I am convinced that many of them could be implemented very quickly, like the line break. With every new release I hoped that something would happen, only to be disappointed every time.

    What surprises me is that so many Trados users simply live with it without raising their voices. Actually I once received the inofficial answer from SDL Trados that no one had complained yet.

    I already talked to Daniel Brockmann about this at tekom and, to be fair, I have to say that he asked me to put my ideas together. Unfortunately, I have not yet managed to create a complete overview (which is still on my to-do list).

    Maybe we can create a working group and exchange our ideas and suggestions for improvement and present a compact wish list at the end!?