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Track Change Functionality in Studio via InDesign


We are very actively using the ability to display track changes from MS Word in the Studio Xliff files for certain pharma customers. We can then further track change that content in Xliff as we make changes during the review change after translation.

Now, InDesign has track changes built in, and this functionality in Studio to have track changed content visible from InDesign is currently not available, and I think it would be a great option to add this functionality into Studio.

Now, just to add a note to how InDesign handles Track Changes. They are actually not visible in the page view, but only visible in the Story Editor - and that story editor exports to .article format, or .icml (InCopy) - so this might be where the challenge sits.

But, it would be good to get the functionality added in - the InDesign studio filter does have an option to process documents with track changes - so it is visible functionality.


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