Idea Delivered

This is avaiable - more clarification may be needed down the line, but setting this to delivered in the meantime. Side note - we even have "Retrofit" which allows to export a monolingual document in full layout and make spot changes, then use Retrofit to bring back the changes into the bilingual format. It is explained in a video here for example -  

Trados needs to add a bilingual format for the tranlated document.

Many translation users require documents with bilingual format (for example, maintaining the original layout of paragraph-by-paragraph style, sentence-by-sentence bilingual format, etc.). Some current Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools can already export various forms of bilingual comparison documents. It is hoped that Trados will add a bilingual comparison feature, otherwise it may fall behind.


    Show me a CAT tool that does this out of the box, other than the bilingual review format which we already have?

    In Trados you can use the application from RyCAT that already does this perfectly:

  • Dear Paul,

    Below is the bilingual contrastive translation format that is truly needed in the translation industry.

    At present, there should be more than one Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tool that can export translations with bilingual juxtaposition while preserving the original formatting. For instance, China's yicat is capable of this, accessible at

    The following is one of the bilingual contrastive translation formats exported by their Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tool.



    I hope that in developing your products, you CAN conduct more research into the needs of translation users, AND try out, experience, and compare the features of Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools developed by your competitors. I admire that you once developed Trados, but it is with regret that we've found in recent years that some other CAT tools have far surpassed Trados in many practical functionalities. Trados seems to have stagnated, with some features deteriorating. For instance:

    1 The direct use of the Google Translate plugin has been canceled, and the current MT ENHANCED PLUGIN often causes issues with translation projects, preventing machine translation.

    1. The discontinuation of the WinAlign alignment tool is a failure. The alignment function developed within Trados 2019 until now is like a spider's web, causing translators dizziness and confusion, to the point that it's almost unusable—worse than using Excel directly.
    2. We have roughly estimated that Trados has about a 50% chance of instability and various errors, meaning that if Trados is used in 100 translation projects, about 50 of those projects are likely to encounter various errors such as instability of Trados, inability to translate, missed recognition of terminology, incorrect language pairs, inability to update the translation memory database, inability to update the terminology database, inability to export the target translations, inability to confirm segments, etc.

     These issues seriously interfere with and hinder the translation work. What's worse is that these problems are almost never addressed; there is virtually no after-sales service. We have repeatedly reported many functional issues that arise during use, yet despite years passing, there has been no improvement.


    Please don't create new ideas instead of replying to the one you already have.  You just create administrative work for us.  I have moved it now.

    "Below is the bilingual contrastive translation format that is truly needed in the translation industry."

    I do not believe this is truly needed, it's a requirement I rarely come across.  However, there is a solution on the appstore already as I pointed out so you can use that. In fact it's been available for over 6-years!

    Article here:

    App here:

    However, if others disagree and think this is something that is needed in Trados itself by default, and we then spend valuable time developing something that is already there as a plugin for Trados Studio, then they can vote for it too.

    We are aware of who our competitors are, but in all honesty I have never heard of this one -  They are clearly Asian focused and so perhaps this requirement for this type of formatted bilingual file is an Asian requirement.  Certainly after 17-years I have never seen this requirement anywhere other than from an Asian user and the times I have been asked are not many.

    On Google Translate... what I'm getting from your comments is that you do not know what we support or provide in the more recent versions of the product.  You should check this before making these sort of comments.  MT Enhanced was discontinued and we now provide separate plugins for Google and also Microsoft, both for Trados Studio desktop and also in our cloud solutions.



    On WinAlign... if you prefer to use this it is still available and installed with the Powerpack:  If you struggle to use the built in alignment program because it makes you dizzy then I respectfully suggest you review the way you work with it.

    On your comments about no after sales service.  What a complete nonsense.  We have support contracts that every user could take out if they wished.  If tey don't then we have these forums.  Do you think they are provided by some other company just because we allow you to post what you would like?

    If you have reported functional issues please tell me where and I'll be happy to follow up on them for you.


    Please don't create new ideas instead of replying to the one you already have.  You just create administrative work for us.  I have moved it now.

    "Below is the bilingual contrastive translation format that is truly needed in the translation industry."

    I do not believe this is truly needed, it's a requirement I rarely come across.  However, there is a solution on the appstore already as I pointed out so you can use that. In fact it's been available for over 6-years!

    Article here:

    App here:

    However, if others disagree and think this is something that is needed in Trados itself by default, and we then spend valuable time developing something that is already there as a plugin for Trados Studio, then they can vote for it too.

    We are aware of who our competitors are, but in all honesty I have never heard of this one -  They are clearly Asian focused and so perhaps this requirement for this type of formatted bilingual file is an Asian requirement.  Certainly after 17-years I have never seen this requirement anywhere other than from an Asian user and the times I have been asked are not many.

    On Google Translate... what I'm getting from your comments is that you do not know what we support or provide in the more recent versions of the product.  You should check this before making these sort of comments.  MT Enhanced was discontinued and we now provide separate plugins for Google and also Microsoft, both for Trados Studio desktop and also in our cloud solutions.



    On WinAlign... if you prefer to use this it is still available and installed with the Powerpack:  If you struggle to use the built in alignment program because it makes you dizzy then I respectfully suggest you review the way you work with it.

    On your comments about no after sales service.  What a complete nonsense.  We have support contracts that every user could take out if they wished.  If tey don't then we have these forums.  Do you think they are provided by some other company just because we allow you to post what you would like?

    If you have reported functional issues please tell me where and I'll be happy to follow up on them for you.

  • Dear Mr. Paul,

    I wish to extend my apologies for the manner in which I previously described my concerns.

    I am profoundly grateful for your professional help. Both you and your team exhibit a remarkable level of professionalism, excellence, and wisdom, and are always very helpful to support the community of Trados users.

    As a long-standing and devoted user of Trados, I have consistently recommended the software to my friends. The software certainly boasts many advantages, and my intention was merely to offer some suggestions that might enhance the user experience.

    However, there is an undeniable reality for users in China: despite having supported and purchased Trados, we are unable to access adequate after-sales service within China. Consequently, when issues arise during the use of Trados, we often find ourselves in a state of helplessness, struggling to find solutions without failure.

    Nonetheless, we maintain the hope that Trados will continue to improve in both usability and stability. Our desire is to encounter fewer errors or bugs, or ideally none at all, so that we, as professional translators, can work more efficiently with the aid of Trados and concentrate on the essence of our craft—translation.

    Once again, I thank you, Mr Paul, and the Trados team. We look forward to future versions of Trados becoming even better.

    Best regards,
