In Progress

Use the old Workbench style for presenting translation results

When working with Workbench, it was more than easy to distinguish, if the segment you see will deliver you the expected results. The more yellow and blue in the segment, the faster you could see, that you need to write it anew. In case of gray, sometimes you simply got half a segment right and could reuse without having to analyze all the striked through and underlined words, like now in Studio.

While working wit Workbench I could use 30% as minimum match value and still was able to utilize such low matches, while in Studio a 80% match is hardly to recognize due to underlined and striked throuh words in red and green.

  • Strongly support that idea. Just stumbled upon the problem again in a current text. I have made a screenshot to demonstrate what the problem is.


    Segment as proposed to make it more readable:

    (please ignore that the last change in the sentence is missing here)

    This was one of the highest rated ideas in the old system for years and was never addressed, so I will admit my hopes for this are not very high.

  • Strongly support that idea. Just stumbled upon the problem again in a current text. I have made a screenshot to demonstrate what the problem is.


    Segment as proposed to make it more readable:

    (please ignore that the last change in the sentence is missing here)

    This was one of the highest rated ideas in the old system for years and was never addressed, so I will admit my hopes for this are not very high.

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