Idea Delivered Partially

Setting to "delivered partially" in the context of apps (Post-Edit Compare etc.) as well as GroupShare at a file versioning level.

Version history in Studio?

One of the greater benefits of Passolo is that version history is maintained per string. This might take an overhaul of sorts but wondering if this idea has come up for Studio as well?

  • I know it's been banded around at file level.  We have it in GroupShare, and you can achieve it with Post Edit Versions as you know.  Would be a nice out of the box feature but don't know how useful it would be for users generally... will be interesting to see the progress of this idea.

    Based on segment level... I don't really see the value in this, but again interesting to see the progress.

  • I know it's been banded around at file level.  We have it in GroupShare, and you can achieve it with Post Edit Versions as you know.  Would be a nice out of the box feature but don't know how useful it would be for users generally... will be interesting to see the progress of this idea.

    Based on segment level... I don't really see the value in this, but again interesting to see the progress.

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