Idea Delivered

This was delivered in Studio 2019 - see

viewing more than 200 segments in a TM, and jumping to last segment

Last segment in TM and view segments

When importing a TMX in an existing TM, currently we can see only 200 segments, and we have to navigate from 200 to the next 200, which takes for ever to do to check the imported segments which are at the end. Could you offer an option to see at least 1000 segments at once, or more.

  • I also think it is very important to be able to go to the last segment to verify if the import was successful, including the metadata (which was not always the case). Now you either click through the whole TM (some of them have over 40000 TU) or you search a specific segment, but then you don't see the other segments around.

    It would also be helpful to be able to go to a specific segment. This feature exists in the Editor, but not for TM Management in the Translation Memories.

  • I also think it is very important to be able to go to the last segment to verify if the import was successful, including the metadata (which was not always the case). Now you either click through the whole TM (some of them have over 40000 TU) or you search a specific segment, but then you don't see the other segments around.

    It would also be helpful to be able to go to a specific segment. This feature exists in the Editor, but not for TM Management in the Translation Memories.

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