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  • Selecting termbase or termbases to add your terms on-the-fly

    • In Progress on
    It's really tedious to have to change your primary termbase several times during translation when you have several various termbases added to your project. In my projects I often use 3 termbases for cuisine, general terms and travel terms, and I found...
  • Run Studio in pre/post-processing mode

    • Under Community Review on
    Let's assume we have some heavy pre-processing to do against a large number of files. It would make sense to allow Studio to run in a special mode, where files would be processed in the background, while user could continue to work in the editor. The...
  • "Smarter" Status Bar

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi all, It would be really great to have a Status bar in Studio that reflects filtered contents as well as selections. Whatever I filter out of the Editor view, the Status bar keeps displaying the word counts of the entire file. Also, we often are...
  • Stop Studio from crashing when Licence Server connection is lost

    • Under Community Review on
    My Studio Licence is located on an external server. At present, Studio freezes and subsequently can't be rescued if I lose my Internet connection or if the Licence Server crashes. This causes work to be lost. Can this be changed so that you can at...
  • Locked Segments in Studio Analysis Statistics of Files View

    • Planned for Future Release on
    After activating the option "Report locked segments as a separate category", locked segments will be reported correctly as locked segments in the analysis report (and also in the filter results of the Editor view), but not in the Analysis Statistics tab...
  • Differentiation of Perfect Match and locked segments in the analysis

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When analyzing a document now, you can select locked matches to be reported as separate category. However, this reports Perfect Match segments within this category too, making it impossible to have PM AND locked segments reported. Please change the...
  • Term recognition: Option to show a second language (e.g. if actual entry is empty in the current language)

    • Under Community Review on
    Usually we have more english (target) terminology than we do have in other languages. When translating German > Romanian e.g. it would be helpful to see english term (or whatever other language chosen) in the term regocgnition. Possible options: - show...
  • Make more project options available in the project templates

    • Under Community Review on
    It should be possible to set all the project settings in your chosen template but these yellow highlights are missing: The only way to get them in your templates is to select them when you create a project and then use the update template options...
  • Only extract the visible part of embedded Excel for translation

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    As described in this KB article, you can only choose between two scenarii when working with embedded Excel data in Word or PowerPoint: all content is extracted from the embedded Excel, including data not appearing in the document or the presentation...
  • Search-Replace- Advanced Mode

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello 1- find-search replace in Trados must be always displayed, not disappear behind the main Trados UI Studio 2- add more options similar to these that are available in memoQ Regards