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  • Add /translationUnit argument to command-line argument /openFileTm to allow better integration with Xbench

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    If a second argument called /translationUnit was added to the /openFileTm, it would be possible to open a Studio TM at a given translation unit. This would allow third-party QA tools to open a memory at a offending segment. For example, the segment...
  • change German translation for deletion of source files in project view

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, could you please make a slight change to German translation (maybe for all other languages too if needed). Right now, when you delete some source files to a project and need to delete them translation literally says: Die Datei(en) werden dauerhaft...
  • Automatically change file view to target after "Prepare (without project TM)"

    • Under Community Review on
    I use "Prepare without project TM" for every single job I do. I then have to manually change the File view from German to English (in my case) before I can open the file for editing. I can't think of any circumstances where I wouldn't want to go straight...
  • Make Find resulting segment shown on top of editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Sometimes it happens that there is a segment broken between two files at the semi colon, such as Part 1: Getting started with Studio The client won't allow me to edit the source (to merge segments), so I want to check that I have correctly capitalized...
  • Separate "Delete Translation Memory" context menu item from "Remove From List" item

    • Planned for Future Release on
    As originally reported in For server-based TMs, the "Delete Translation Memory" context menu item is right underneath the "Remove From List" item, which makes way too easy...
  • Segment locking in Track Changes modus

    • Planned for Future Release on
    In former editions of Studio it was possible to lock segments when working in Track Changes mode. Since Studio 2015 SR1 (I think) this is not possible anymore. Not only the lock function is not working in Track Changes (you have to switch to lock a segment...
  • Comment Report as a "Batch Task"

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be great if we could run a "Comment Report" from the Batch Task menu, also excluding non-commented segments. There are some workarounds, mainly using "Export for Bilingual Review", but having a dedicated function for that would be awesome. ...
  • Terminology verification using several termbases at once

    • Duplicate on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi! For some clients, we may be needing to run terminology checks using several termbases at the same time. Currently, when performing a Verify batch tasks, only the first Termbase returns any matches, and the only workaround to use several is changing...
  • Assign each package to every user

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    When I create a project, I always need to assign each package to every user, when there are 40 languages, I need to do this 40 times... It's really a tough work with no meanings. Would you please help us to improve this step?
  • Apply tags EXACTLY to selected text

    • Under Community Review on
    If I want to select text in Studio (2017) including the trailing space character, I can: one word = double-click; several words = use mouse from start to end of string including last space. When I then apply a pair of tags from the source by holding...