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  • Feature for counting characters in a line in Studio 2017

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, please consider enhancing the out of the box standard verification to be able to count the number of characters in a line of a segment. This is not working now (below is the correct number of characters marked in yellow): Thank you.
  • Use Structure Information Description in document explorer

    • Under Community Review on
    Make it possible to use the description from the Structure Information in the document explorer.
  • Term recognition window display problem

    • Under Community Review on
    Term recognition window display problem Contextual fields in Term Recognition tool are essential to document your terminology. BUT if you put more than a few words, you will not be able to read your own comments as the text in the fields is not wrapped...
  • Add language code to filenames after Generate Target Translations (batch)

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be very helpful to have an option to add a suffix (e.g. the language code) when generating target files in bulk (through a Batch Task). I sometimes have 50 small files that need to be delivered with a language code at the end of the name, but...
  • Enable the Escape key to close windows

    • Under Community Review on
    When you open a window in Studio and wish to close it again because you don't need it after all it would be helpful if the Escape key could close it. For example, use Edit Comment to see a comment in the segment you are working on, then decide you just...
  • Place the line for adding new abbreviations/variables ABOVE the list

    • Under Community Review on
    Adding new abbreviations and variables in the language resources in TMs would be so much easier, if you would place the line for adding them ABOVE the list. Now it is necessary to scroll the whole list down, before you can add anything.
  • AutoSuggest: MultiTerm entries first and then other entries

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, the sorting does not differ between the source of auto suggested texts. However, this makes finding MT entries often not so easy. So it would be very useful to have the MT entries suggested first and then all the others.
  • A suggestion for improving the search result in the Advanced Display Filter 2.0

    • Under Community Review on
    Since the Advanced Display Filter 2.0 was introduced in Trados Studio 2021 I have been using the feature very often and believe that it is a great improvement of the software in general. Ever since I started using the feature I have been wondering about...
  • Provide shortcut for direct term insertion

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    Currently, one needs to start typing in order to see the term suggestions. The old functionality of ALT+arrow keys appears defunct. It would be useful if we could still use it to enter terms. I.e. ALT+down arrow to enter current term, ALT+ right arrow...
  • Change misleading error message when Term Repetition Threshold exceeded

    • Under Community Review on
    When performing QA checks against the termbase, if the Term Repetition Threshold (in the termbase AND termbase verification settings) is exceeded, the message states that the term is not present in the segment. This is a serious nuisance because it...