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  • copy-paste-function by mouse

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Can you please insert copy-paste-function by mouse from source to target? It’s so boring with Ctrl+c, Ctrl-v.
  • Locking and setting specific TUs as read only in translation memories.

    • Under Community Review on
    Sometimes, when managing the TUs in translations memories, I've got the feedback from the client like following. "This TU is about the regulation, therefore, it should be kept as it is and not be revised in any cases." Therefore, the manager should...
  • Length verification when pre-translating files

    • Under Community Review on
    When creating a Project and applying the Batch-Task Pre-translate files the CM- and 100%- matches are confirmed even if there has been set a length restriction in the QA checker. After running the task the too long translations for this particular project...
  • Add a delegate when submitting a request

    • Under Community Review on
    This is a suggestion from our clients as they are currently unable to cc anybody in a request like they would in an email. If they go on vacation, they want someone else to pick up the translation. Also, sometimes the person submitting the request is...
  • Fix fragment matching ending punctuation

    • Under Community Review on
    I'm sure Fragment Matching is a very complex beast and on the whole, it's not bad. But thing it fails miserably on - which I find baffling because it seems an easy thing to check for, even for a computer - is ending punctuation. I often get 99% fragment...
  • ability to create my own Status categories

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Currently in Trados we have a few status categories that you can filter from. What if I want to create my own Status categories? That would be most useful. Sincerely, Sameh Ragab
  • Possibility to deactivate Language Cloud

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    In our system, connection to Language Cloud is not permitted, and thus there are lots of respective error messages in the log files. This unsettles our users, and I also feel it slows down our Trados. It should be possible to deactivate Language Cloud...
  • Update from Bilingual Review: disable timestamp requirement for tracked changes

    • Under Community Review on
    The Update from Bilingual Review feature fails if the timestamps have been stripped from the tracked changes. The workaround involves comparing the original bilingual export to the revised files, generating an intact set of tracked changes. This is cumbersome...
  • Enlargement of the "Close document" symbol in the Editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Nearly every time I want to close the document I have finished translating, I miss the tiny "Close document" symbol and hit one of the expandable elements to the right instead (filters, previwe, useful tips, ...). I then have to close the pop-up before...
  • Be able to run Terminology verifier with multiple termbases, not just the default termbase

    • Duplicate on
    Is it possible to run QA verifying multiple termbases at the same time? As far as I am concerned, it just lets me run the QA just with the default termbase.