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  • Make default quality check setting available in project templates

    • Under Community Review on
    At the beginning of project creation I have the possibility to force quality check when finalizing the project. This setting however is not available in the project template editor, and can only be changed by updating the template from an existing project...
  • Group all translation resources in one place

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi! In the project wizard, I think it would be a good idea to have all translation resources in one place (TMs, Autosuggest Dictionaries, Termbases and PerfectMatch files). By the way, I never understood why AS dictionaries where "hidden"...
  • "Date" column in "Files view"

    • Under Community Review on
    Good morning, what about having an “Inserted at” or “Added at” [dates] column in the “Files view”, similar to the “Created at” column of the “Projects view”? (I have not found this possibility) This could be helpful when creating a Project which...
  • Allow termbase filters in Studio's Terminology Verifier

    • Under Community Review on
    As far as I know, it is currently not possible to use termbase filters in Studio's terminology verifier. Strangely enough, this option does exist for term recognition, allowing you to use only subsets of the termbase, with faster and more precise results...
  • Termbase Fuzzy Search from Editor window

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, I'd like to be able to open up a Fuzzy Search in my termbase for a term I have highlighted in the Editor window. There is a Termbase Search shortcut, but that only opens the Termbase Search window and I have to enter or copy the term I want to...
  • Text replacement handling several placeholders at once

    • Under Community Review on
    Recently I had an issue like this. I'm reproducing a sample text consisting of two segments: Please click on " ABC123-N option". Haga clic en " ABC123-N option" (Opción ABC123-N). Please click on " XYZ123-N option". Haga clic en " XYZ123...
  • Requiring a feature to allow deleting a group of error messages at once

    • Under Community Review on
    Please see attached, it should be self explanatory!
  • Option to exclude locked segments from analyses and completion statuses

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    As discussed for example on , it is not very helpful that Studio includes locked segments in analyses and completion status. It makes it very difficult to follow...
  • More options to customize Translations Results window (better visibility of fuzzy matches)

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, Our team has some ideas of customizing Translation Results window. Below is the screen from original Options > Editor > Translation Results Window, from Studio 2017, I guess it didn't change at all in 2019. Suggestions from our linguistic...
  • GroupShare Background Task Notifications in Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    When you run an operation in Studio, such as the re-index of a translation memory, Studio becomes unusable until the background task on the server has finished running. As the task is being run on the server, not on the client, and something like the...