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  • Display number of duplicates

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, Would it be possible to know the number of duplicates when we filter by duplicates? I guess this is the same saying: can we know the number of pages of the TM Editor? I think an idea about this was already created... do you know if this...
  • When checking for non-usage of target terms, accept if one target term is used

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When using the concept-oriented approach to glossaries , we will often have several entries for the same word. For example, there would be one entry for the concept of "substance to dye wood" and one for the concept of "discoloration": Substance to...
  • Terminology check process in Trados Studio 2017: much too slow with a big project

    • Under Community Review on
    One of my Dutch colleagues is checking the terminology in a pretty big .sdlxliff file translated from French to Dutch (over 13k segments) and Trados Studio 2017 is much too slow when she clicks in the error messages which are in the verification Window...
  • Finding Help in the Knowledgebase and the Help

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be a nice feature if errors encountered whilst using the software could have the relevant information captured from the error stack and then a search automatically applied to the knowledgebase and the help and then provide helpful links to relevant...
  • Run batch tasks on multiple projects

    • Under Community Review on
    It is currently not possible to run batch tasks on multiple projects in Trados Studio. Having this implemented would speed up processes like pre-translating and analyzing project files as well as creating and re-importing bilingual review files, amongst...
  • Copy source tags to target column with one keystroke or button

    • Under Community Review on
    Several CAT tools have this very useful feature: with one keystroke or button I can copy ONLY the tags in the source column to the target column. This allows me to then translate my content around the tags. Presently, with QuickTag Insert, I can only...
  • Add formatting to comments

    • Under Community Review on
    One thing in Studio I use regularly to communicate with my reviewers are the comments. However, in the current version, they are rather basic. What I wish for them is the possibility to format text in them. Think MS Word, especially the later versions...
  • Retain sdxliff after generating target translation

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    If one selects "Generate target translation" for a bilingual file, and the has to edit that file for some reason, there is a prompt "Do you want to revert the native file to SDXLIFF format before opening?". I see this as a superfluous prompt, perform...
  • Provide a warning when switching on "merge over paragraph breaks"

    • Under Community Review on
    It is a great option, which works usually as expected. However, in certain formats like xliff or xml a file structure damage may appear, so merging should be done only with checking the target file for usability. In formats like Word merging is usually...
  • Select all files in batch mode

    • Under Community Review on
    Problem title: File selection in batch mode Description: When trying to batch edit a project’s files, all files for all languages appear in a selection window and can be ticked or unticked. There is, however, no option to “Select all” or “Unselect...