1. About saving and automatic saving
In the Editor interface, there are no application scenarios where the project files do not need to be saved. From the user's point of view, what the user wants, is that the project files are saved automatically.…
Further to yesterday's post (see https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/trados-studio/f/general/45447/autosave-progress-bar-window-steals-focus/147078 ) I would propose disabling the "Please Wait" popup window which appears on every…
In general, auto-save is fast and unobtrusive. For larger projects (I'm currently working on a file with 110,000 segments) however, the process can take a minute or longer. This is made even more frustrating when autosave starts when I'm three letters…
Many applications (even other CAT tools) continuously autosave in the background without any user intervention or disturbance (progress bar) or need to click Ctrl+S. Ctrl+S should be a relic of the past in a modern user-friendly application.