Idea Delivered Partially

Edit Job Details and custom attributes

Our customer Uvex would like the ability to change job details and custom attributes via Mantra. Some use cases:

- When authorizing the job in Mantra, the PM doesn't always have the PO number ready. So they authorize the file to go to the vendor and would like the ability to update the PO number (Payment Info field) later on, after authorization.

- When creating the project in Mantra, the job creator does not always have all the information required to complete the custom attributes. It would be great if PMs could fill in those fields during Authorization. In Uvex case, these fields allow to automatically switch workflows and assign review steps.

- I would image there are other use cases required by other customers, such as changing a job due date (and notifying the job creator of the change?), adding reference material, etc.


  • Hi Caroline,

    In the latest release of SDL Managed Translation, we introduced the option for users to update the Job Name, Description and Due Date fields for existing projects.

    We plan to extend this to support custom attribute fields in a subsequent release in 2019.



  • Hi Caroline,

    Thanks for raising this idea - these are all great suggestions.

    We will certainly look to incorporate some of these capabilities in future versions of the products. I'd be interested to hear from other Community members what additional use-cases and requirements might be covered if we allow users to update certain fields for in-progress projects, under pre-determined conditions.

