Idea Delivered Partially

Print Screen or save PDF of project creation screen in Language Cloud

As a requirement, some client users of LC need to save the translation request, as the initial start of project. It would be best if LC could offer a print screen or PDF version of the Project Creation screen from LC when the project is submitted. This was users don't need to do their own print screen or some other type of duplicate documentation of the request.

  • Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for raising this suggestion. Can you please be more specific as to why a user might need this option in Managed Translation? What information entered during project creation is not subsequently displayed in the All Projects/Project Details pages, or available in the data export? What will the PDF/print screen actually be used for?



  • Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks for raising this suggestion. Can you please be more specific as to why a user might need this option in Managed Translation? What information entered during project creation is not subsequently displayed in the All Projects/Project Details pages, or available in the data export? What will the PDF/print screen actually be used for?



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