Accepted, Not Yet Planned

Hi Adam,

Thanks for your idea for allowing SDL TMS QA models to be shared to SDL Trados Studio to allow the quality assessment to be done offline. The good news is that we already have this feature in the backlog; not only for SDL Trados Studio but also for the newly released SDL Online Editor. The "Not Planned" status means that we haven't yet identified an appropriate release for this feature but TQA will continue to be an important part of our plans across all the language technology products.


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Integrate the QA models in TMS with Studio's Translation Quality Assessment

It could be done in various ways, but perhaps if you could setup a QA Model in TMS and export the profile configuration and import it into Studio's Translation Quality Assessment. With the two in sync you could preform the quality assessment offline in Studio and upload the return package back to TMS where the results of the assessment is updated in TMS.

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