Planned for Future Release

Agreed, this does not offer a friendly or useful user experience, we will be revising the whole user interaction with Transport in a future release.

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Remove the Action required function from TranPort user interface

This functionality is really confusing for TransPort users when following up the state of progress of their translation requests. This option requires actions (steps) and responses by users but these users don't know what a step is or they simply don't understand what action is needed from them. All they need to see is if the translations requested are ready or not to be downloaded from TransPort.

Screenshot of WorldServer Ideas showing an open response item with a highlighted 'Submit Response' button, indicating an action is required from the user.


Image displaying a section titled 'Action required' explaining that active project quotes and translation projects may need actions and responses by users.


Picture of a 'To Do Items' list with a red circled exclamation mark icon next to a project, indicating confusion for the user about required actions.

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