Not Considering

Add a choice in the Autocomplete of the baseline to select all Latest Translated versions of an object


Many of our users need to ensure all object versions selected in a publication are the latest translated versions for the Requested Language in the output.

It would be very helpful to add an option when Autocompleting the Baseline for Latest Translated Version along with an option to select the related language layer whose translations are required.



  • Hi Joe/Dave

    Just checking back in on this request of adding support for Autocompleting to the Latest Translated Versions of the working language (to be used when relevant).

    While content teams do set the working language to the language they want to publish, they are still finding it challenging in large publications to ensure that every content object including conrefed topics are in status Translated which this feature would help with.

    Can you let me know if there are any plans on the roadmap to support this?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Joe/Dave

    Just checking back in on this request of adding support for Autocompleting to the Latest Translated Versions of the working language (to be used when relevant).

    While content teams do set the working language to the language they want to publish, they are still finding it challenging in large publications to ensure that every content object including conrefed topics are in status Translated which this feature would help with.

    Can you let me know if there are any plans on the roadmap to support this?

    Thanks in advance,


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