Not Considering

Automate log file archival on App server

Proposed changes for App server:

Given the size of the log files and the rate of data accumulation, we need the CCMS to automatically archive log files. This is an issue that affects ALL admins. We should be able to simply specify a date threshold somewhere in the webclient interface that would cause the CCMS to script the compression of the log files at the following locations that are older than the limit:

  • \InfoShare\Data\Logs
  • \InfoShare\Data\ExportService\Data\DataExports
  • \InfoShare\Data\PublishingService\Data\DataExports
  • Charlie here again - one additional comment: While there is a workaround to do this on the backend, I wholeheartedly agree with Elizabeth that this feature should be built into the server - data proliferation in these directories is undoubtedly a problem for every customer, so it makes sense to address it at the app level.

  • Hi Elizabeth,

    Not sure if this is helpful, but the approach I took was to create a script that deleted any files/folders older than 10 days, and then set up a Windows Scheduled Task on the server to run the script every day.

    Related question - Are you On-Prem or Managed Services? If managed services, do you have desktop access to the server?


    Charlie Craig, Informatica