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Capability to rename publishing GUID file names

Publishing plugin just append .xml extension during export processing for DITA-OT, and that is not configurable.

My proposal is to make this publishing export behavior to be customizable by Admin.XMLPublishPluginConfiguration.xml.
More specifically, <resourceid> in both map and topic can specify expected URI for each topics, and its target application can be specified by @appname attribute.   @ux-source-priority attribute in map will determine which <resourceid> will take priority in between map and topic.  It would be wonderful if Admin.XMLPublishPluginConfiguration.xml would be capable to specify both map XPath and topic XPath (i.e. <resourceid> XPath with specific @appname value) to determine exporting topic file name, and which would take priority by map XPath condition.  Publishing plugin should rename exporting topic files, and should substitute @href="GUID-*-*-*-*", from those configured parameters.

This capability will help renaming output topic file names.

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