Under Community Review

Disabling the previewer in Publication Manager

The previewer in the Publication Manager is slow and - to me - offer very little value. I would really appreciate an option to disable it.

  • I support this idea.

    The Previewer is used to some (limited) degree by our writers, but it's irritating to have it loading automatically for when you select the bookmap node in the Content pane or other nodes with a lot of content that can never be loaded in reasonable time, if at all. It would be better if the user could select whether to have the preview ON or OFF.

  • I support this idea.

    The Previewer is used to some (limited) degree by our writers, but it's irritating to have it loading automatically for when you select the bookmap node in the Content pane or other nodes with a lot of content that can never be loaded in reasonable time, if at all. It would be better if the user could select whether to have the preview ON or OFF.

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