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Draft Space / Review Space : Reviewer filter improvement requests

Authors like the ability to filter the comments to a particular reviewer, but they have pointed out a few tweaks that would greatly improve this functionality, as follows:

  • Change the Label of the filter to "Reviewer" from "Creator" to make it clear that we are filtering on the user that left a review comment, not the user that created the publication or review
  • Use the Display Name instead of the ID, in our environment, ID is the NT ID and is not always clear who the user is from their NT ID. Using the Display Name would make it clear
  • Restrict the list of reviewers that you can choose from to only those users who have left comments on this publication, we have 300 users, trying to find one person in a list of 300 NT IDs makes it very hard to use this feature

With these improvements, filtering would be much easier

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