Under Community Review

Editable metadata fields

In our previous editorial system KC16 we were able to fill in our metadatas by manually typing or editing the fields. For example, we could easily copy our often used types, models or languages out of an txt or word file and copy them into our metadata field within KC16 CMS. It was a quite smart and fast solution. 

Now in TD14 we are restricted to fill in our types, models, or languages one by one through clicking on them. Thats annyoing and complicated. Not really efficient anyway. 

Please check if you can switch to the copy and editable version analogous to KC16 or the authoring bridge. 

Screenshot of KC16 editorial system showing an editable metadata field with a list of selectable values and a note indicating the ability to easily copy in needed types, models, or languages.Screenshot of TD14 properties panel with metadata fields for Family, Model, and Product type, and a note stating it is not possible to copy metadata within these fields.Screenshot of TD14 'new output' window with language combination dropdown and a note explaining the inconvenience of manually selecting languages one by one, unlike in KC16.

  • That's the typical battle between convenience and security - support for typing/copying of course introduces the risk of getting typos in the attributes. But if you have a limited set of often used attributes, wouldn't it be an option to add them to the templates already? E.g. having one template for publications that have the core languages only as requested languages and another template for publications that have all supported languages pre selected? Even if you don't need all, deleting the ones you don't want might be quicker than adding all required ones...

  • That's the typical battle between convenience and security - support for typing/copying of course introduces the risk of getting typos in the attributes. But if you have a limited set of often used attributes, wouldn't it be an option to add them to the templates already? E.g. having one template for publications that have the core languages only as requested languages and another template for publications that have all supported languages pre selected? Even if you don't need all, deleting the ones you don't want might be quicker than adding all required ones...

  • Hello, unfortunately we cannot agree with you on the point, that typing or copying metadates are being an security problem. In our previous system Knowledge Center 16 this function were available and extensive been used. And it worked perfectly. Of course our authors has to be aware of every metadata they fill in the objects. So therefore an "copying in" is no additional risk. Nevertheless, the old system als also the new one will not accept an false typed metadate. So thats no point in our opinion.

    An template is also no solution. We distribute our documents product drawn. So therefore we have to create dozens of templates, which is not effective.

    So we will go an step further and ask for an implementation for example of that addtional window where you can select multiple metadates at once. Is there any chance to forward this idea and get the system on an more usable level?