Under Community Review

Enhance Publication Manager and Authoring Bridge to be able to manage comments added by Collective Space

I wonder why Publication Manager and Authoring Bridge cannot manage comments and revisions added by Collective Space. I expect that all Tridion Docs tools would provide interoperability regarding comments and revisions for contents.

  • Hello Andriy,

    We are using Oxygen XML Author for editing DITA contents. We customized Oxygen a lot to improve edting efficiency. Following is a list of our customization:

    1. Added Schematron scripts to ensure correctness of contents tagging.
    2. Added refactoring scripts to modify topic contents with a batch operation; ex. setting align=center for all columns of all tables, setting valign=middle for all rows of all tables, converting a GUID to list to a xref list, wrapping bare text in li elements with p elements, wrapping bare text in entry elements with p elements, and so on.
    3. Modified editor operation behaivior; ex. inserting p elements in li ements when inserting a ul/ol element, inserting p elements in entry elements when inserting a table, adding row/columns, and so on.
    4. Removed unneeded DITA elements/attributes from menus/lists.
    5. Customized editor view CSS to improve visibility of a topic.
    6. Added our company own a terminology dictionaly to detect/correct terminologies.

    If Draft Space will be enhanced to be able to provide above capabilities, we'd like to replace our authoring tool to Draft Space.

    Regards, Naoki

  • Hello  ,

    Thank you for your idea.

    We are hearing more desire from customers for the consolidation of tools.

    Usually for more power and more features on the web interfaces.

    Web is the place where we all do a lot of our day-to-day work. Having consolidation on the web also means you can have it in a single platform.

    However, it does also mean that we would like to have the same powerful capabilities for our Web interfaces, like reuse, templating, versions, baselines, etc.

    Could you please share what use cases Draft Space does not allow you to complete so there is a need for comments in Client Tools such as Publication Manager and Authoring Bridge?

    Thank you