Under Community Review

Exit warning when leaving the Draft Space and Review Space without sharing comments

The ability to keep comments private, either as notes to oneself or until the comments are completed, is a good feature in the Draft and Review spaces, but we are clearly seeing users who either forget to share or are unaware that they need to share in order for the other members of their team to see their input.

A warning upon screen exit that the author has unshared comments and an offer to review them would be helpful, as would a more clear visual distinction between comments that are public and comments that are private.

The "Unshared" label is fine and is arguably all that is necessary, but frankly, I'd either add a light red background or change the border to red to clearly designate the fact that something is different/incomplete about unshared comments. 


  • Thanks for the confirmation Jeff. I'll also pass along your feedback about the default option. Appreciated. 

  • Yes, I'd say "Share and save" as a single function is a good solution to this. I'd also be inclined to make it the default function.

  • This is indeed good feedback Jeff and others in the Community have posted similar ideas. The one that is already being implemented by RWS for the next release, Tridion Docs 15 for release summer 2023, is the addition of a new 'Share and Save' button allowing reviewers to immediately post their new feedback without needing to remember to go back and do that later. I realize this is a different solution than your proposal and hopefully you and your users will see the benefits of the new button. It is one of the exciting UI changes occurring for Collective Spaces with the summer release. I've attached a screenshot so you can see the new button and you'll also note that the comments now appear as pop-outs next to the content rather than in a separate pane. Also, the Outline has moved to left hand side and can be onscreen with the comments making the UI more fluid and giving users the option of seeing more of the information they need on screen at once. The recent roadmap sessions with Joe Pairman and Chip Gettinger has more details on this and a demo of the new UI if interested. Thanks!Screenshot of Tridion Docs interface showing the new 'Share and Save' button in the review panel, with a comment pop-out next to the text 'experiencing rapid rebound growth'. The Outline panel is visible on the left side of the screen.