Under Community Review

Global setting to deactivate the Status Changes dialog box from the Oxygen Connector

I actually want to change the status of a topic maybe one time out of every 15 that I open it in OxygenXML, and yet I have to wait for and respond to the Status dialog every single time I open and close the topic. How about giving me a setting where I can just say "leave the status as it is" by default, skip the dialog box which is useful maybe 6.7% of the time, and let me change status from the Publication manager when I want to change status?

I'm sure this pop up looked good during product planning, and is likely not nearly as irritating when working with a schema that fragments content less than DITA, but when authoring in DITA it's basically a message direct from Trdion Docs to the author that the author's time is of no value at all as far as Tridion Docs is concerned.

  • I never change a topic's status when checking in from Oxygen. I very rarely use the "keep checked out" box -- mostly to verify that new GUIDs were created for elements that I added using the text editor. But I'd definitely prefer not to have that extra mouse click. 

  • I never change a topic's status when checking in from Oxygen. I very rarely use the "keep checked out" box -- mostly to verify that new GUIDs were created for elements that I added using the text editor. But I'd definitely prefer not to have that extra mouse click. 

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