Under Community Review

Installation manual improvements to deal with issues along with long term system operation

We are operating Content Manager more than 5 years and database size has exceeded 1.3 TB. Under such operating conditions, some issues arose. I think those are common issues for many users who are using Content Manager for long time. Therefore I expect that new section will be added to the Content Manager installation manual to deal with the issues. For example, we encountered following issues:

  1. Solr Lucene dies
    Increased JVM heap memory size with the registory value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Trisoft\Tridk\TridkApp\InfoShareBuilders\SolrLuceneJavaAdditional01
  2. Timeout error occurs when saving published file to the database
    Modified the machine.config file for .NET, and modified 'maxTimeout' value in the 'PublishPostProcessPluginsRunner.exe.config' file
  3. Timeout error occurs when publishing large publications simultaneously
    Increased the object lock wait time by adding new registory value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Trisoft\Tridk\TridkApp\InfoShareAuthor\Trisoft_InfoShare_ObjectLockWaitTimeQuery
  4. Registering crawler fails
    Modified the Crawler.exe.config in order to increase timeout and maxTimeout values

