Under Community Review

One-to-many relationship between publication and outputs of the same language

Issue: The SDL interface examines GUID, version, format name, and language to determine if an output format can be saved into the database.  This is insufficient as we have multiple outputs of the same format that use the same language and format.   

Error message in Tridion Docs Ideas stating 'The object 'GUID:1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H9I0J' for PDF PrototypeEN' already exists.

Current workaround: Create multiple output formats.  This is not sustainable.

Business scenario:  External data drives generation of output using the same source and language.  Post processing handles the placement of the unique (product part #) metadata.  Single source (DITA XML content) from which multiple outputs for the same language are created (Part #1, Part #2, Part #3). 

Request: Allow users to provide additional, unique meta (at the publication language level) to allow for generation of multiple output formats within the same publication using the same language/version information.  This will allow for a one-to-many relationship of publication (1) to parts (many).

Input fields for Part Number, Part Number Revision, and ECR with values '1234567', 'A', and '3232324' respectively.

  • I can provide another business case: We have started generating outputs with "show metadata" and "show draft comments" enabled, for various internal QA and review purposes. But we have no way of labeling these special outputs, nor generating them in tandem with an output of the same type that does NOT show the metadata and comments. I believe that this request would solve our problem.

  • I can provide another business case: We have started generating outputs with "show metadata" and "show draft comments" enabled, for various internal QA and review purposes. But we have no way of labeling these special outputs, nor generating them in tandem with an output of the same type that does NOT show the metadata and comments. I believe that this request would solve our problem.

No Data