Under Community Review

Pub Manager map editor to add conref topics into map

This is a request to support community version of DITA-OT 3.x and 4.x better way.

Recent versions of DITA-OT doesn't process conref topics successfully if that topic is not mapped by <topicref>.  Example is @keyref isn't resolved when contained in @conref · Issue #3546 · dita-ot/dita-ot (github.com). Oxgen version of DITA-OT provides patch that won't require <topicref> for conref topics, but that require additional licenses to install it on Tridion Docs server.

To mitigate this pain, I suggest to add a Pub Manager option that will also add <topicref processing-role="resource-only" href="{conref_GUID}"> to map automatically when topic with conref reference would be added.  Then, map developer won't need to add it manually.