Under Community Review

Referenced by report shows all versions

If a version 1 topic contains a reference to an illustration, and later versions of that same topic do not use the illustration, the 'referenced by' report will show all versions.
It is then up to the user to determine in which version of the topic the illustration is used.

  • Hello  

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Could you please provide us with more information, such as which version of Tridion Docs you are currently using, along with some screenshots of the case? This information will help us guide you accurately.

    Additionally, I would like to share some updates regarding this use case. In Tridion Docs version 15.1, there is a "Where Used" section located in the side panel. This section includes two tabs: "Used by" and "Makes use of." Under the "Used by" tab, you can see only the relevant versions of the topics, maps or publications (those where the selected object is used), along with their language information.

    Screenshot of Tridion Docs interface showing 'Search Results' with a list of documents. The 'King Penguin' document is highlighted, indicating a status 'To be reviewed'. On the right, the 'Where Used' panel displays 'Used by' tab with a list of topics using 'King Penguin'.

