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TD 15: The selection of a topic should be auto cleared after previewing it

Use case: One of our users selected version 12 of a topic to preview. When they went back to the original window, version 12 was still selected and they could select an additional version (version 11), as shown in the screen shot below. The writer was surprised that version 12 was still selected and that they could no longer see the preview button. 

  • There might be use cases when a user first wants to preview a PHIO and then as a second step wants to perform any other actions on that PHIO, e.g. adjusting properties or something else.

    In case the selection is cleared after having the preview it could be very annoying to again select the correct PHIO, especially when many languages are used and version numbers grow.

    Finding the checkbox in use may be easier.

  • There might be use cases when a user first wants to preview a PHIO and then as a second step wants to perform any other actions on that PHIO, e.g. adjusting properties or something else.

    In case the selection is cleared after having the preview it could be very annoying to again select the correct PHIO, especially when many languages are used and version numbers grow.

    Finding the checkbox in use may be easier.

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