Under Community Review

Tridion Docs CMS admin ability to quickly disable/enable multiple selection of users

As a Tridion Docs admin, I recently had to go through and disable a batch of users. I couldn't see any way to do this other than to individual disable each one, which was quite tedious.

  • Another issue related to this - if a user leaves the company, they often cannot be removed from the system because they have content attached to their name.

    Also SSO - I'm sure this was already suggested.

  • For what it's worth... we do not use SSO, so the approach I'm taking is 

    Content Manager > Settings > Users > select user > Properties > set user's Active flag to false and Disabled flag to true. (Sorry I couldn't figure out how to upload a picture.)

    This retains the user in all lists and doesn't affect the data integrity.

    Locked = true typically represents too many failed login attempts.

    Source: SDL Tridion Docs 14 SP1 > Using SDL Tridion Docs > Using Content Manager > Concepts > Users and groups > Users > Administering users > Changing user properties

    • To deactivate a user, uncheck the Active box. This allows the user value to be maintained in the repository but eliminates the name from user lists. For instance, when a user leaves the company but is associated with metadata for an object, such as Last modified by, the username (data) in the field is maintained and valid however, the user no longer appears in any lists.
    • Check the Disabled box to prevent the user from logging into Content Manager. For instance, if the user leaves the company.


  • Thanks, yes this is helpful. In particular, I wonder if deactivating opens up a spot for new users to be added, if/when we have added the maximum number of users, according to the license agreement. That is really the original motivation behind this...

  • Guess only: Active is probably what counts, otherwise you'd always ultimately run out of seats. (It might take a while, but seeing as you can't delete users who have a relationship to content, but you can add them, seat exhaustion seems inevitable to me.) Do you have access to the licence agreement? Maybe it says something like "xx active users"?

  • Guess only: Active is probably what counts, otherwise you'd always ultimately run out of seats. (It might take a while, but seeing as you can't delete users who have a relationship to content, but you can add them, seat exhaustion seems inevitable to me.) Do you have access to the licence agreement? Maybe it says something like "xx active users"?

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