Not Considering

Thanks for your feedback. However, the search results are sorted based on a scoring system that ensures that topics with better matches to the query terms are presented at the top of the list. You can re-sort the list based on the version number by utilizing the 'Sort by' feature by selecting 'Version'.

Versions should be sequentially listed in search results when using the All versions option in Organize Space.

Versions are not sequentially listed in search results when using the All versions option in Organize Space (see screen shot below). It would help customers to find an earlier version faster if the versions were listed sequentially.

  • Thanks Nigel. Allow me to add that a Search result is the result of a full text index query that gives back a SCORE for your query terms per individual (xml) file. That SCORE is used to sort the search result. The first version of a topic in the search result could be a closer match to your query tearms, then the third version and then the second version (sorting is as v1 - v3 - v2). In the first your query terms might be at the top of the topic, a good match. While in the second version your query terms might only be half mentioned. Let alone the v4 which is not listed as it didn't hold your query terms at all :)

  • If I follow what you are asking correctly for this one  you can use the Sort by features on the right side of the screen. Firstly select Version from the drop down box and then click the arrow icon next to the dropdown to choose the desired sort order - up or down. See attached image. Hope this helps, thanks!