Under Community Review

When "checkout" context menu is used on a map/bookmap Tridion Publication manager should open it in a preferred editor.

When "Check Out" (context) menu item is clicked on a map, the map is checked out and can be changed within publication manager. The map is not opened in an editor. This behavior should be enhanced to open the map/bookmap in preferred editor.

  • With us, it is very rare that a folder needs to be modified in an editor like Xmetal. Most of the functionality is available in the publication manager. However, if we need to open a ditamap we can use the "Check out with..." option that can be accessed via the context menu. Maybe this is also a solution for you?

  • Hi, Roy. While it's true that many map updates can (and should) be made using Pub Manager, our writers frequently need oXygen to edit the metadata in their maps. Also, as an admin, I frequently open maps in oXygen to perform troubleshooting. So, my team would very much appreciate being able to use "Check Out" rather than "Check out With."

  • Hi, Roy. While it's true that many map updates can (and should) be made using Pub Manager, our writers frequently need oXygen to edit the metadata in their maps. Also, as an admin, I frequently open maps in oXygen to perform troubleshooting. So, my team would very much appreciate being able to use "Check Out" rather than "Check out With."

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