This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • Improved Markdown support for Images

    • Under Community Review on
    We see an increased usage of markdown in the developer communities in our business. Some of our users already have a lot of content in markdown as part of their projects on GitHub, Bitbucket and other collaboration platforms. We have markdown support...
  • Today Button in Date Picker in Web Client Properties

    • Under Community Review on
    In Tridion Docs 14 SP3, in the Properties window in the Web Client, all fields that have date values now use a lightweight HTML date picker instead of JQuery. Unfortunately, the HTML date picker does not contain an option to add the button labelled...
  • Add function to export data registered in Publication Hub

    • New on
    Please consider to enhance Publication Hub to be able to export data registered in it into an Excel file. When exporting data from the Publication Hub, it is desirable to have the option to export all jobs or only the jobs assigned to a login user.
  • Split Translation Jobs by language when they exceed the maximum job size

    Former Member
    Former Member
    • Under Community Review on
    As a translation coordinator or localization supplier, I want a job in TMS to contain the complete set of topics for a language instead of the topics for a language spread out over several jobs So that I can provide reporting and updates by language...
  • Allow checkout/checkin of all topics in a map opened in Oxygen

    • Under Community Review on
    Sometimes we need to do bulk operations across a DITA map in Oxygen, like a search and replace or Xpath. If the latest version of the topic is in Released status, ask us if we want to create a New Version for all topics that are in Released status in...
  • Remove Delete button from Inboxes in Publication Manager

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We have run in to an issue where a user deleted 1899 objects from the Author Inbox. We did not realize that when you deleted something from the Inboxes it deletes the version and language level of the object. Can we please remove the delete button from...
  • Add ability to define customer specific statuses to Publication Hub

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, only 'Pending' and 'Done' statuses are available in Publication Hub. To manage manual creation tasks in detail, we need the ability to define arbitrary statuses for Publication Hub.
  • Functionality for displaying/filtering categories of conditions in Conditions to only be visible to a certain user group

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    Hello, We have more than one user group working in our instance of Tridion Docs at Cytiva . By user group I mean different stakeholders/departments with different needs. As part of scalability support in onboarding different user groups it would...
  • Enable Users to Save Customized Search Settings

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Our users often need to perform customized searches, in which they select various metadata values. Each time they run the same search, they must re-select the metadata values. This is inefficient and error-prone. It would be helpful if the system...
  • Comparing topics/maps in XML text view

    • Under Community Review on
    We need more accurate result when comparing topics/maps using Publication Manager and web client. I request two enhancements regarding version/revision comparison functions: Ignores white space differences Displays comparison result in text mode...