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  • Pub Manager > Option to add object to map from Local Storage

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We often create topics in XMetaL and want to add them to a map directly from the publication in Publication Manager. At the moment, Pub Manager only offers to look in the repository. IDEA: Provide the ability to optionally look in the local storage...
  • Add Enhanced Search Capabilities for Review Space

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Allow a Copy/Paste of GUID for managing publications. The GUID should be a field that can be copied, pasted for Search. This will help us find publications from Review Spaces to the web client.
  • Use of Wildcard Characters or Regular Expressions in metadataconfig.xml

    • Under Community Review on
    The system that parses the metadataconfig.xml file should support the use of wildcard characters or regular expressions. Currently, when users add a new output template to Tridion Docs, the new output name must be added to the metadataconfig.xml file...
  • Make creating a new version easier for the author of a topic.

    • Under Community Review on
    Creating a new version is far more common than creating a new branch. If I am the author of a given released topic, make "Create a new version" happen when I try to check it out without asking for confirmation or asking if I want to create a new branch...
  • Enable checking out and checking of topics in Draft Spaces

    • Under Community Review on
    Because our authors cannot edit, copy, and paste the XML code in Draft Spaces, our authors need to continue the process of checking out, editing in Oxygen, and checking in. The process could be streamlined if checking in and checking out were possible...
  • Draft Space Document History roll back/forward functionality

    • Under Community Review on
    Some users have asked if it's possible from the Document History interface in Draft Space to reload older content - in other words, create a new version and populate it with a previous version. Tridion Sites has similar Rollback functionality under the...
  • Enhanced Book Map Editing in SDL Draft Space

    • Duplicate on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, Currently in SDL Draft Space (SDL TD14 SP2) we can only edit the title of a book map. We'd like to be able to edit the subtitle (<navtitle>) and other elements (<othermeta>) contains in the book map. In our content we include a subtitle,...