Accepted, Not Yet Planned
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Allow the PCA to be discoverable through the Discovery Service

Right now you can discover Content Service capabilities from the Discovery Service via the path /ContentServiceCapabilities?$top=1

This returns the URI with a <conternt> element:

        <content type="application/xml">
                <data:LastUpdateTime metadata:type="Int64">1591381497804</data:LastUpdateTime>
If there's a Model Service, this appears as an extension property in the same element:
        <content type="application/xml">
                <data:LastUpdateTime metadata:type="Int64">1591381497804</data:LastUpdateTime>
                <data:ExtensionProperties metadata:type="#Collection(Tridion.WebDelivery.Platform.ContentKeyValuePair)">
Oddly though, the PCA endpoint "/cd/api" isnt shown - this effectively means it can't be "discovered" and integrators need to know to swap "/content.svc" with "/cd/api" - which seems a real shame and undermines the effectiveness of the Discovery Service.
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