Idea Delivered Partially

As mentioned in the comments this is already possible although functionality is a bit hidden currently and could be improved in future. 

Allow users to search for multiple components.

As a user of Tridion, I would like the ability to search for multiple components at one time. 

For example when I have to update 15 components from different folders, I want to pull up the list of all 15 so I can view them at the same time.  Currently I have to perform 15 individual searches to find each component.   

Multiple search items would be separated by a comma (or semi-colon).


Result set would return list of components that included the value(s) in the search list

Screenshot of Tridion Sites Ideas search results displaying a list of components with names 194112, 194693, 196032, 196033, 196034, 196038, 196215, 196254, 213518, 2732, 3056, 3540, 3554, all with schema name 'enterprised-mapping' and type 'Component'.

  • This is already possible, to some degree, as you can specify fields in a query, so in your case, you could specify a string like:

    Title:194112 || Title:194693 || Title:196032 || Title:196033 || Title:196034 || Title:196038 || Title:196215 || Title:196254 || Title:213518 || Title:2732 || Title:3056 || Title:3540 || Title:3554

    The "||" in this case is "OR" so you're asking for a match where a Title field contains any one of these values.

    The same can be used for component Ids (using the "-" here to provide a more specific match):

    Id:*-279 || Id:*-277 || Id:*-295

    The fields available to query on can be found by accessing your SOLR admin (usually on your CM server http://localhost:8983), choose the "tridion" core and click schema.

    This works via both Core Service and the GUI, including sub folder searching from a parent. Perhaps a little verbose to have to write this string with the field name - but this could be encapsulated into a custom page or GUI extension if you wanted something more user friendly!

    See for more into on the Standard Query parser and syntax.

    NB - if the CM search is ever changed from SOLR none of this may apply, obviously!

  • Thank you.  I was unaware of that funtionality.

  • Tridion Sites 9.6 also adds the ability to export list info in CSV format in Experience Space. It seems your list might be for research or troubleshooting.

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