Under Community Review

They dynamic display of such fields for editors seems to be a popular request.

We're interested in examples of such fields and any relationship or logic between sets of such fields.

Could you share examples of such options? Screenshot is optional, this is more about which sets of fields you would want editors to choose from and preferences on how you might manage these in a Schema definition, for example.

Dynamic Embedded Schemas

Hi there!

Searched for half an hour for something like this, but couldn't find it.. Perhaps was using the wrong query. My apologies if that's the case!

Current situation

Screenshot showing Tridion Sites Ideas interface with two fields labeled 'EmbeddableSchemas' and 'EnableFilter', both with red error icons indicating issues.

The idea

Whenever I click the Close-up of a green plus icon, suggesting the addition of a new item or feature in the Tridion Sites Ideas interface. I would love to see an option where I can select from the allowed embedded schemas. Lots of dynamic components I've seen are using a similar lists with Component Linking. I believe giving this idea life would satisfy Content Editors who are creating specific (not reusable) content and do not want to create a component soup with many links.

Just throwing it out there and wondering what others experience and feel about this idea! Love to hear some feedback as well!

Kind regards,


  • Hi Alvin!

    Thank you for your response! A solution I'm thinking of;


    The same way component links work with Allowed Schemas


    Option 1: After tapping the + button the content editor would see a dropdown list with allowed embedded schemas (using their schema names).

    Option 2: Always see radio buttons with the allowed embedded schemas' names. When tapping a radio button it would add the allowed embedded schema at the bottom.

    I think option 2 is great for first time use of the component. But option 1 is great for editing afterwards where you can add embedded components anywhere.

    Sidenote: I'm not a designer of any kind and just trying to figure out a way of working which is kinda like the way I've seen it (2011-9). This means I'm not able to think towards the awesome new design.

    Use cases

    I can see many use cases for dynamic components(pages) such as articles. Where for example the article is currently extended with component links to a "paragraph" or "paragraph with image" or "call to action". They all have a lot in common and have small differences. We can't use any Component Templates on the link to a "paragraph with image", so that's not necessarily a reason to use it.

    Another use case is for a customer who decided he wants to have forms in Tridion. It would be much easier for the content editor to just add fields and have 1 component containing the entire form instead of having 15/20 components for 1 form and having to link them all.

    I think the bottomline for using Dynamic Embedded Schemas are customers who know they want  to have a certain functionality and are not planning to use different views for embedded components in the future. More like KISS components haha


    While many articles have specific content used for 1 page only, we have a few linked components, like some Call to actions which are reusable. It would be more awesome if we could have an option to include Component Links to a CTA if the content editor would want to. This freedom gives Content Editors the opportunity to organize specific and reusable content over articles. This would also mean "Allowed Embedded Schemas" would have an option add "Allowed Schemas". A great challenge for design, but I think it can be solved similar to the solution above.

    Kind regards,


    PS: I'm talking about articles here, but I can imagine a lot lookalikes